Pasta com Textura - Jaguar

Before we get started, let's take a look at the image we'll be creating. As always, the layered Photoshop file is available via our PSDTUTS Plus membership.


Let's look at how this tutorial differs from other icon tuts across the net. First of all, a process like this can be applied to other objects (of course bigger object). Also, with icons the object can be viewed in its full size. Above all, any tiny inaccuracy can be easily corrected, or is small enough that it can't be seen at all. So it's possible to keep the length of the article standard without skipping any steps needed to create this Jaguar style.
This tutorial concept was made some time ago. After a few hours of creating in Photoshop, I made what you can see below. It is a folder, but I wasn't fully satisfied with this design, so I left the project for a while. Later, I came back to it with new strength and ideas. This serves as some advice for you in this article. Consider, opening your old work and trying to improve it. You can breathe new life into your old projects.

Step 1

Although we don't need the exact shape of the folder, let's show how to create such a shape. First, create a new document, where we fill 128 px by 128 px with a grey color, as show in (1), this is the area where the folder must fit. Then we draw the shape of folder with the Pencil Tool, as shown in (2). Then set the Grid on every pixel, shown in (3). Then begin redrawing the shape with the Pen Tool, as shown in (4) - (6).

Step 2

We keep doing this until the whole shape is drawn.

Step 3

Here is the example of the original drawing, and the new one created with the Pen Tool. Anyway, the original drawing (sketch) is enough to continue the process.

Step 4

Naturally, we need a good texture, which can be downloaded here.

Step 5

Next, let's try to mask certain part of the texture, so it looks "furry" on the edges. Then change the layer to a folder size. Go to Channels Palette, and find the right one with as big a contrast as possible. In our case, it's the Red Channel.

Step 6

Choose it (Ctrl + A). Then copy and paste it into the document. Then adjust the Levels so the white color. It is really white and black is black. Also, the middle tones may be lowered.

Step 7

Zoom in on the whole picture, and try to find a gradient between black and white, which should be used to create a brush. Then select the area, and duplicate it to a new layer (Ctrl + J).

Step 8

Hide the original layer. Then adjust this layer for the brush trail. We can use Levels again, or the Dodge/Burn Tools.

Step 9

This way we have good control over everything. All we want to do is make the white part really white and the black part black. We keep adjusting it until it looks like the image below.

Step 10

When we are happy, we can choose again with Shift + Ctrl + D. Then invert the layer (Ctrl + I), and make it a new brush trail.

Step 11

Open the Brushes Palette.

Step 12

Set the random size with Size Jitter of 100% and Angle Jitter of 9%. Notice the other settings shown below as well.

Step 13

Then add a color mask to the original (color) layer. Fill this with a black color. Then start drawing with a grass brush, and use a white brush trail.

Step 14

Set the right Angle for every side.

Step 15

We have finished the rough outline, now it's time to finish details. We can use a standard Photoshop brush next. Set the right size and angle, and draw into the mask.

Step 16

As soon as the layer looks "furry" enough, copy it, and make the folder smaller (Ctrl + T).

Step 17

Note that any shape imperfection can be corrected easily.

Step 18

Next grab the Smudge Tool and set it to the right brush.

Step 19

Make the second layer smaller in accordance with the back side of the folder, which is where we must cut into it on the right, as shown below.

Step 20

This is how both layers look merged.

Step 21

It's necessary to make the back layer darker. This can be done by adding a new adjustment layer of Brightness/Contrast, which must be set as a cutting mask (Ctrl + Alt + G). Then lower the Brightness to -100.

Step 22

Then we can make the front layer brighter.

Step 23

Next we add some reflections. Although, we must respect that fur doesn't have any reflection, so we come back to the "grass" brush trail we created and draw with it on the edges.

Step 24

It should be made irregularly, to make the reflection look real. The Smudge Tool can be used again.

Step 25

Then add a shadow, and our icon is finished. Or it isn't?

Step 26

If you want to continue, you can add a label. All you have to do is erase one spot with the Clone Stamp Tool.

Step 27

Then create a new text layer.

Step 28

Next we add some random brush strokes over the layer, and add one darker spot under it.

Step 29

We finish it all with the grass shaped brush. Keep in mind, the drawing must be made according to the angle of the fur.

Step 30

Don't "blur" it too much, as you want it to be readable.

Step 31

Still want more? OK, one last step. To create the background blur the original layer with a Median filter, so the hair is lost, but the outline is still good.

Step 32

Next we set the layer to Luminosity, and add a layer mask Then a draw gradient within the layer mask going from black to white.

Final Result

We add some text, and now our icon design is finished! Good luck with your work, and I wish you many great ideas!

Criar Bola de Cristal

Before we get started, let's take a look at the image we'll be creating. As always, the layered Photoshop file is available via our PSDTUTS Plus membership. Also, I've got some tutorials I'm working on that aren't about lighting effects that you'll see soon.

Final Click

Step 1

Create a new document, I used 1900px by 1200px. Fill the background layer with black. Then with the Ellipse Tool (U) create a circle. You can fill it with a dark gray, but the color won't matter because we will apply a Layer Style to this object shortly.
Magic Crystal Ball

Step 2

To add the Layer Style, go to Layer > Layer Style. First, select Inner Glow and use: white for the color, Color Dodge for the Blend Mode, and 70% for the opacity.
The second Layer Style will be Gradient Overlay, use Linear for the Style, and keep Normal for the Blend Mode. Now the colors will be #12232c and #313444. The last Layer Style will be Stroke, which should be set: 2px for the Size, 60% for the Opacity, and for the color use #a395cf. Feel free to change the colors and test new variations.
Magic Crystal Ball

Step 3

Create another circle using the Ellipse Tool (U). The best thing is to create a Path with the ellipse tool. Adjust the shape the way you want. Then create a selection from the Path Palette. This circle will be the top reflection on the ball.
Magic Crystal Ball

Step 4

Create a new layer and rename it to "reflection top." Then select the Gradient Tool (G). Use white for the color on both ends. Change the opacity though, one will be 100%, while the other will be 50%. Select Radial for the Style. Then create a radial gradient, as in the image below. For the Opacity use 70% Tip: Make sure that the 100% is the center of the gradient.
Magic Crystal Ball

Step 5

Lets create a reflection at the bottom of the sphere. To do that, create a selection from the circle layer, which is the first one we already created. Create a new layer, and rename it to "Bottom reflection."
Select the Gradient Tool (G), and use the same settings as in the previous step. This time lets set the Opacity to 100% and 0%. Now create the gradient. Also, change the Layer's Opacity to 50%. Use the image below for reference. Tip: You can resize this layer to make it slightly smaller so you can move it 1 pixel up.
Magic Crystal Ball

Step 6

Create a new layer, and rename it to "lights 1." Make sure you have black and white for the background and foreground colors. Then go to Filter > Render > Clouds. After, go to Filter > Sketch > Chrome. Use 3 for the Detail and 10 for the smoothness. Then rescale the layer, make it much smaller so the details will be smaller too.
Magic Crystal Ball

Step 7

Create a marquee selection from the "ball layer," and go to Filter > Distort > Spherize. Use 100% for the Amount and Normal for the Mode. Then go to Filter > Brush Strokes > Sprayed Strokes. Use a Stroke length of 17 and Spray Radius of 7.
Magic Crystal Ball

Step 8

Now lets add some color to the crystal ball. With the "lights 1" layer selected, go to Layer > Layer Style. Then change the Fill Opacity to 60%. After, select the Gradient Overlay, use the Violet, Green, and Orange preset for the colors. For the Gradient Style use Radial. Align the radial to the ball, so the orange will be the center of the gradient, and then go to the Violet.
Magic Crystal Ball

Step 9

To create the lighting effects inside the ball we will use the Difference Clouds Filter. So create a new layer, and rename it to "rays." Then go to Filter > Render > Clouds. Then go to Filter > Render > Difference Clouds.
Next we rescale the layer to the same height as the ball. You may notice that with the difference clouds filter we have created the lightning, but they are black. Also, you can define the thickness of the lightning when you scale the layer.
Magic Crystal Ball

Step 10

To change the color of the lightning from black to white is simple, go to Image > Adjustments > Invert. However, to get the effect right you will have to change the levels as well. So go to Image > Adjustments > Levels. Use for the Input Levels 0, 1.00, and 70. Then change the Blend Mode to Color Dodge.
There are 2 more things to do here. First, we create a Layer Mask, so the lights will be only inside the ball. Then with the Eraser Tool (E), select a medium brush, a regular one, but with a hardness of 0% and 10% opacity. Then erase some parts of edges 1-4. Also, you can change the opacity of "Reflection Top" and "Reflection Bottom," so they will be more visible.
Magic Crystal Ball

Step 11

To create more Rays, you can either duplicate the layer or repeat steps Steps 9 and 10. I duplicated it, but the best thing to do is to repeat the previous steps. Also, you can apply the Spherize Filter. Tip: Change the Opacity of the layers to give more depth to the effect.
Magic Crystal Ball

Step 12

Here, we will create a layer to adjust the colors. We need to make the ball a bit darker. So just add a new layer, and create a marquee selection of the original ball. After, fill it with Black.
Add a Layer Style. Change the Fill Opacity to 0% and select Gradient Overlay. Use Multiply for the Blend Mode, 90% Opacity, and set it to Linear. For the colors use Black and a dark gray. Tip: This layer will be beneath the other light layers.
Magic Crystal Ball

Step 13

Lets create a nice texture in the ball. Create a new layer on top of the others, but beneath the "Reflection Bottom and Top layers." Rename it to "texture."
Now go Filter > Render > Clouds. Then resize the layer, and make it a bit bigger than the ball. Finally, go to Filter > Distort >Wave. For the Number of Generators use 5, the Wavelength use Min. 10 Max 320, Amplitude Min 5 Max 35, and the rest keep the same.
Magic Crystal Ball

Step 14

Go to Filter > Brush Strokes > Spatter. Use a Spray Radius 15 and Smoothness 2. Next we create a marquee selection from the "ball" layer, and go to Filter > Distort > Spherize again. Use 100% for the amount.
Magic Crystal Ball

Step 15

Let's adjust the layer next. Change the Blend Mode to Screen, the opacity to 50%, and the fill opacity to 50% as well. If you don't want to show the texture that much, just reduce the opacity.
Magic Crystal Ball

Step 16

Select the Ellipse Tool (U). Then click on Shape Layers. This will create a layer in the shape of the foreground color. Now create an ellipse, as in the image below. After, go to Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur. Then use 90 pixels for the Radius. This layer will be the spot of light for the ball.
Tip: This layer has to be beneath all the other layers, even the "ball" layer.
Magic Crystal Ball

Step 17

Now lets create another ellipse, as we did in the previous step. This time let's use black. Also, instead of creating a light spot, let's create a shadow.
Magic Crystal Ball

Step 18

Next we add a glow light at the top of the ball. Again, repeat step 16, but for the Gaussian Blur use Radius of 70 pixels. Notice that this layer will be on top of the others.
Magic Crystal Ball

Step 19

Let's adjust the colors. Create a Gradient Fill layer. To do that, go to Layer > New Fill Layer > Gradient. For the colors use #223158 and #b8641c. For the style use Radial, and set the angle 115º. After, change the Blend Mode to Overlay.
Tip: You can position the gradient by clicking and holding the mouse button. Also, move the mouse while the Gradient Fill dialog box window is open.
Magic Crystal Ball

Step 20

Create a new layer on top of the others. Then fill it with black, and go to Filter > Render > Lens Flare. Use 60% Brightness and 50-300mm Zoom.
Adjust the levels of this layer. Go to Image > Adjustments > Levels. Then change the Input Levels to 7, 1, and 210. Now change the Blend Mode to Screen, and rescale the layer, use the image below as a reference.
Magic Crystal Ball


In this tutorial, we learned a light effect that is created by using the clouds and difference clouds filter. You can add more layers to create different effects inside the ball, or duplicate some layers to create more reflections, like the Caustic effect I created on the final image.
You could use the Spherize filter. Also, you can change the Gradient Overlay colors in one layer only, and change the other colors separately, thereby creating a totally new effect. It's all about playing now; Have fun!
Magic Crystal Ball